By: David Echols
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Hey everyone, we’re going to do a new series on the blog over the next several weeks. Raylin, our first official staff member at 3 Measures, is making sure that everything keeps going while we’re gone (in case you missed it we’re in the States until Feb 3rd). Each week he’s going to take a selfie at one of our events and write a short blog post to tell you what’s happening. We’re calling it, “Selfies with Raylin.”
But first, let us formally introduce him…
Raylin was a part of Hope Club, our Saturday night program for young adults, from the beginning. Since then we’ve changed Hope Club into Thrive Group. On Sundays we meet together to study the Bible, worship our God and enjoy time together as a community. Rayin was baptized back in May this year and joined our staff in August. He is a passionate Christian and has been such a blessing to us. Hope you enjoy getting to know him more over the next couple of months!
Stay tuned, Raylin’s first selfie will be posted on Saturday.
By: David Echols
Comments: 0
Just a picture of a few of the guys at Thrive Discussion Group. We meet every Sunday at 3:30 and are open to any between the ages of 18 and 30. We get together to discuss various topics and see what God’s Word has to say. Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been discussing alcohol use. After the discussion we have an evening of social time together. Love this group!
By: Sandy Echols
Comments: 1
Today during my bedresting I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked up and guess what I saw?! A field mouse sitting in my sock drawer watching me. Just sitting there. Without a care in the world. I stayed on the bed. There was no way I was going to lumber/waddle over to it and chase it around the room. It’s way too hot here for that. David came home about 15 minutes later, the whole time the mouse just sat there hanging out. So anyway he caught the mouse with an empty ice cream dish. And tomorrow we will go set it free near someone else’s underwear drawer!
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