By: Sandy Echols

Those looking for a place to give in order to help the Haitian people there are many options. First of all, go over to thepioneerwoman.com and comment on her blog. She is giving away money to readers selected charities, and will donate a dime for every person that comments on her blog, right now it is up past eleven thousand comments, so keep it going!
Then go take a look at
Living Water Christian Mission, this is a ministry that was started by
Salonique, a
CCCB grad, in Haiti. He is keeping the website up to date with what is going on on the ground in Port
au Prince, this would also be a very good place to send money to!
Also check out
ides, they are a great organization that gives aid in times of disaster all over the world. Furthermore, by
texting HAITI to 90999 you can donate ten bucks to the red cross relief efforts, or text DISASTER to 90999 and ten dollars goes to
Compassion International for their relief efforts.
Now is not the time to look the other way, give up eating out this week or going to starbucks and give to help! People like you and me are using their bare hands to dig up their trapped neighbors before they suffocate. By giving some money, that you probably won’t even miss you can make a difference. Maybe get some friends or family members together and give as a group.
Above all else pray, pray for the hands of those searching to be fast and effective, pray that those that are trapped will last longer and be found faster, pray that those who have lost loved ones will be comforted, pray that the hearts of people will be touched so that they will give, pray for Haiti as a whole. Spread the word.
Don’t let the cries of Haitian fall on deaf ears!
Please leave a comment if you know of anywhere else to give, or if you have specific prayer requests for your friends and loved ones in Haiti.