By: David Echols
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We leave for our furlough in less than a week! GULP!
We will be in South Africa for a week from the 23rd to the 30th of October, and then we take the journey to America! We return with lots of stories, a couple of wooden animals and a brand new baby π
We will be Stateside for just over 90 days. Ninety glorious days filled with grandparents, family holidays, church families, the missionary convention, and CHIPOTLE!! We plan to spend most of November in Missouri, we will be at ICOM, and then December and January will be spent in Colorado.
Let us know if you want to get together and eat Chipotle with us our schedule is filling up quickly but there is always space for friends and Mexican food.
Be in prayer for us as we sprint to try and finish everything on our to do list before Thursday, and then pray for traveling mercies. For us, and for the poor souls who will be flying directly in front and behind our gymnastic toddler and opera singing baby.
And of course the obligatory baby picture.