By: Sandy Echols
Comments: 1
So much has happened in the last few weeks! We moved, we are renovating the new (old) place, and we are hosting a team from CCCB.
We took the plunge a about 4 weeks ago and asked Brian if there was any houseing available on the YWAM base, he said that there was, and that he would love to have us move out here. So before we knew it we were throwing things in boxes and making the 20km drive to our new home. Before we could move in though we had to tear the ceilings out of three of the rooms since they were so full of bat poop the smell made my eyes water. We have been in the new place for 13 days now and we are still slowly unpacking. I think I should do a separate post explaining why we felt we should move out here.
The more exciting news for right now is that we have been playing hosts to a CCCB missions team this last week. When we were students at Central we used to lead mission trips once a year to different African countries, we always hoped that we would be able to be on the receiving end of such a team, and now we are! The team has two professors and five students. We have had so much fun with them here, and we have been able to share our lives here in Namibia with them. They have been amazing, ready to jump in and help with anything and we have stayed up way too late on most nights talking and laughing. I have been intending to do a daily blog of what they have been up to, and I still hope to do that. There has been too many great things to try and squish into one blog!
In not so fun news, the government detained our car yesterday. We seem to have been given incorrect information on how to keep a vehicle that is registered in South Africa here in Namibia. We will have to wait for the long weekend to end, and then we will have to try and figure out how to get it back. It looks like it is going to cost a lot of money.
Please pray for the team as their visit here is drawing to a close, and today they will be doing children’s ministry with over 50 kids. Also pray for us as we get settled into the new place, and of course for the whole car situation.
Reese is doing great too!
Eager to hear more news Don